Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Fireman recruitment in arunachal pradesh police

arunachal police wants to fill up vacancies of fireman and has issued a job notification fo the recruitment of 54 firemans in arunachal police.details regarding this recruitment in arunachal police are given as follows.
Age Limit: age of the candidate who is applying for these government jobs should be 18 to 25 years as on 01-01-2013. relaxation in age will be given by arunachal police as per the government of india rules.
(this post first appeared on
Educational Qualification: the applicant must have passed  pass Class-X or should have  equivalent qualification from recognized board/ institution as on the date of submission of application.
process for selection: the best candidates among al the applicants will be selected by arunachal police on the basis of performance in physical endurance/ efficiency test, written examination, interview and medical examination and character & antecedent verification.
Application Fee: applicants are required to pay the application fee in form of Treasury Challan of Rs.10/- for APST candidates and Rs.40/- for general candidates in favour of Director, Fire & Emergency Services, old PHW, Ganga, Itanagar under Head of Account of “0070″ Fire & Emergency Services.
How you should apply: if you find yourself elligible for this recruitment and you are intrested then you may  send your application in a prescribed format as given in notification along the neccessary document which are listed in official notification attatched at the end. challan in an envelope super scribed with Name of the Post Applied for as (Application for the Post of Fireman), to The Director, Fire & Emergency Services, old PHQ, PO: R.K. Mission , Itanagar, Pin:791113, Arunachal Pradesh on or before 30-09-2013 up to 16:00 hrs
official notification by arunachal police

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